Jul 27
Jul 29
– Best-Price-Garantee – Book directly with us and we guarantee you the cheapest booking price

Room amenities

The single rooms of the category "Standard" offer you a lot of comfort on approximately 16 m2 of living space. You will sleep on high quality mattress. The bright furnishings include a desk and a small seating area. Take advantage of the free internet access, telephone, modern TV.

  • Rooms: 16 m2 single room, brightly furnished
  • Bath: own bath / WC with shower, cosmetic mirror and hair dryer
  • Beds: 0,90 m wide single beds
  • Internet & TV: Free Wi-Fi, LCD TV
  • Equipment: telephone, well isolated windows, minibar

Single room of category "Standard" excluding breakfast buffet - prices request here

Desired date still available? Best request right now.